

WCR Conference Welcome, Meet the Candidates, Keynote & Marketplace


Welcome program will start at 8:00 a.m. 

Join President Kerri Hartnett, PMN for our Conference Welcome, meet the candidates slated for 2025 national leadership team and our keynote presented by Tricia Brouwers, Internal Conversations That Lead to External Results.

Internal Conversations That Lead to External Results

Are you wanting to make a bigger impact and have greater productivity in all areas of your life and in the lives of those that matter most to you? From our first look in the mirror in the morning, our internal narrative drives our external results. Whether you‘re selling your services, negotiating a deal, or sharing advice, the words that you choose are critical if you want to achieve results.The internal dialogue before the external conversations influences your outcomes. If you choose the right words, then you might just get the thing that you or someone you care about desires most. But occasionally, when the stakes are high, your words can let you down. All too often you can quickly start talking before your mind has had a chance to catch up. The only way to combat an attack of “wordiness” is to prepare as much as possible and be truly ready for your Critical Conversations.Just imagine you will havewalking away feeling motivated, inspired and prepared with action steps to go from information to implementation.  This mind-shift will help you to meet the market and empower you to go from selling to serving with a few simple swaps!

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