

Federal Political Coordinator Roundtable



FPCs will gather for their annual Roundtable to partake in training, networking and valuable discussion before returning to regular order and leading constituent meetings with their Members of Congress on Capitol Hill later in the week.

During the Roundtable, FPCs will hear from Rich Thau of Engagious and the Swing Voter Project who will speak to REALTOR Issues popping in the 2024 election and how voters are feeling about Trump and Biden. His team conducts monthly online focus groups with U.S. adults who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. The respondents live in the 10 most competitive states in the 2020 election.

Additionally, FPCs will get an update on the current status of the lawsuit, hear from a panel of veteran FPCs on best practices around Hill Visits and NAR President, Kevin Sears will award two deserving FPCs the 2024 Meritorious Service Award. the 118th Congress is underway, Members of Congress and policy influencers will consider several issues facing REALTORS in 2023. This panel of former Hill staffers will discuss Congress’ priorities, new House leadership, their expectations for Congress, and where the parties may be ale to work together.

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